Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What's In My Fridge?

Even before my weight loss challenge began, I found it difficult to eat healthy. For the most part the majority of my meals were really healthy. At work my co-workers would marvel about how healthy my lunches and snacks were - what they didn't see were my snacking habits. (Or the eating habits of those around me)

You can always find tons of fruit in my
house :)
My regular snacking habits are AWFUL - would make Bob Harper yell at me and any nutritionist shake their head in dismay.

My weaknesses? Whole bags of Miss Vickey's Salt and Vinegar chips, chocolate covered pretzels, pretty much any kind of chocolate bar... Coca Cola, Dominos Pizza. If I go to Bulk Barn, you can be pretty sure that I'm walking out with multiple clear plastic bag of gummy, sour and crunchy confections. Ohhh... and McDonalds cheese burgers and fries? *wipes drool off chin*

Lately, I've been opting for baby carrots and hummus. Still good, but they aren't Miss Vickey's Salt and Vinegar, now are they?

 I guess you get my drift hey? I think that it's safe to say that I still have a LOOONG way to go when it comes to really changing my eating habits. I have found some new foods that I like to eat, well, more variation on what I used to eat. My favourite salad lately (And I eat a LOT of salad) is grilled chicken with lemon juice (Love the flavour!) klamata olives with red onion and feta cheese - or bits of melted, shredded parmasian balls. SO GOOD! Before I would add more flavour by adding loads of croutons and dressing, which isn't the best option since I can eat croutons by themselves as a snack and I won't bother stopping until the bag is empty. But seriously, who would stop themselves? Those little crunchy morsels are delish!

I've also been substituing healthier versions of my already healthy food choices. Eggs, for instance. I've started buying Omega 3 eggs.

The chickens that lay Omega 3 eggs are solely fed on Flax Seeds, which is high in O3 which helps to lower our cholesterol, as well as having the potential to help to decrease our risk of cardiovasular disease. Won't complain about that hey? They do cost a little bit more, but I would rather shell out the extra buck fifty to get eggs laid from a hen who had a healthier diet rather than those eggs laid from a hen that was solely fed on corn. Just sayin'.

 I am a huge fan of seafood, unfortunately, there are those who don't appeciate seafood, so I didn't always make the effort to buy it often in the past. In recent says though, I have been enjoying a lovely variety of different fish in addition to my other choices of meat. Some, I haven't ever tried before and will most likely buy again so I don't get tired of the same ol salmon or tuna - let's face it, who likes to eat the same thing ALL the time? Right?

For easy quick meals I've been getting the frozen chicken breast. I would really rather buy these from M&M Meats, but I'm not willing to drive half and hour to the next town to be able to. I'd rather not spend the gas money (Especially since I'm a Lady of Leisure) and get these which are just as good.

 And you have to love mineral water... OK, maybe it's an aquired taste. It is a good option if you love pop and are haivng a hard time giving it up. The lime flavoured Perrier kind of reminds me of the taste that the green Fruit Loops have and gives me a feeling of nostalia of my childhood days :) I guess it doesn't hurt that mineral water helps you get your full serving of Calcium in a day :)
 AND MY FAVOURITE MUST HAVE AT ALL TIMES... Klamata Olives! Another thing that I can just snack on all the time by themselves, but aren't nearly as heavy in the saturated fats. I would have hated these as a kid, but now that I'm a grown up big kid I love them. They are flavourful but are also a little salty to fill that salt craving I get.

Eating healthy is so much easier when you have healthy foods that you love on hand all the time and that are good options for when you have those cravings that coiuld very well add to your junk food belly rather than do you any good. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go have a healthy snack and do my yoga :)

What are some of your favourite healthy food options that take the place of your favourite junk foods?

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