Sunday, May 12, 2013

My little girl is here! Introducing Victoria!

My little girl has finally made her long, hard, laboured grand entrance into the world. While I won't be telling that tale in this entry, I figured there is no better day to introduce her to you than on mothers day. My very first mothers day.
Victoria was born 5:43 AM by c-section May 6, 2013; weighing in at 9 lbs. Pink, healthy and with a good set of lungs :)

I never thought that it would be possible to love someone SO freaking much... I mean, you hear other parents talk about their amazing love bond with their children and that there's nothing like it, but until you experience it, you don't have ANY idea.

So far, my nicknames for her are: My little piglet (she snorts when she eats), My little turkey neck (this girl has some serious neck chub ^.^), sweet pea or sweet heart and little darling. I still haven't decided if I'm going to use Vickie or Tori... we'll see.

This 'little' girl has huge feet. A lot of her socks don't fit her.

Chatum adores Victoria. He has decided to take on the roll as 'Victoria's protector'. Whenever she makes the slightest squeek, he stands at alert and checks things out to make sure things are all okay. He loves to smother her in puppy kisses.

Oh, and that bassinet you see her snoozing in in the picture above? We don't use it, like, at all! Victoria and I are spending our nights sleeping side by side out on the couch for the time being, since it's more convenient for me. I can have everything I need set up within arms reach on the coffee table so I don't need to get up (especially nice when I'm breastfeeding while laying down) and if I do need to get up to grab something quick to eat or to run to the washroom to pee, I only have to go a few feet.
So far, this Mothers Day, I was able to get in a fantastic nap, snuggle with my baby, oh! And we've had our first 'spa day' together. Me, playinng the esthetician. My daughter, got a sponge bath (to get rid of that milk run off that gets stuck in her little turkey neck folds) her nails and toe nails trimmed (because it sucks when they scratch me in the middle of the night) and an infant massage with vanilla oatmeal baby moisturizer.
I hope that you are having as great a day as we are. Just thought I'd brag about my little gem. :) <3


  1. Little gem is right, my word - she is so sweetly chubbily newborn!
    Soak up the snuggles, sounds like you have a great routine with the couch/coffee table set up.
    And girl - isn't NURSING LYING DOWN the best idea ever?? I remember how awesome it was to get that down with Molly!! We still do it :)

    1. Nursing lying down rocks... I get way more sleep that way! I do get up and sit to nurse every now and then in the middle of the night. That way I can chow down on something while she's eating
