Since I've been pregnant, I've been stuck underneath a veil of tiredness - and definitely at time, exhaustion. While I do try to react from my bodies cues as soon as possible so I don't overdo it, and I've drastically cut down on the chores and activities in a day, I still wake up feeling groggy and my eyes ache. I drag my feet while getting ready to take Chatum on his morning walk. I lazily think about the chores that need to be done that day and try and set a schedule for the week in my head.
Pre-pregnancy, I could clean the WHOLE house in less than an average work day. That's *with* taking breaks for eating, Facebook, walking the dog and random sit downs.
NOW it's a very different story. I normally do two maybe three things a day (I might even do more, if you count things you don't even realize you do that have to get done). And I definitely find that I'm prioritizing my cleaning schedule more. "Should I vacuum or mop today, or should I do the laundry?" (Today, btw, is laundry day, since I'm out of clean underwear that *isn't* made of floss that don't seem to be nearly as barable anymore. Just sayin'.)
Last week was pretty bad for me, I felt so awful all week between 2nd trimester headaches, the constant tired mama-to-be syndrome, my bad hip (which has steadily been hurting and aching more since this little bundle has been growing) and taking care of the house that I haven't been enjoying my pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think it would be a cake walk 100% of the time and I'd expected to feel down at least every now and then and I'm not grumpy all the time. There are plenty of wonderful moments in my pregnancy that I think of fondly. (I'm really looking forward to my next ultrasound and seeing how the baby has grown since I saw it last time and getting new pictures. AND! If baby cooperates, hopefully I'll find out if this baby is a boy or girl so the spare room can be changed into the baby room :D )
For the time being, I've decided to stick with doing ONE chore a day. Whether that be cleaning the floors, laundry (which I won't have to do as soon as my belly gets a little bigger so I don't have to go up and down the basement stairs), doing the grocery shopping or cleaning the bathroom (because I'm a snob and I *can't* have a bath in a tub where I can feel skin cells from other showers or baths)
One thing is for sure, I am sure glad I'm not nearly as OCD as I was before. She would really be going nuts!
What sort of cleaning system do you have at home and how do you prioritize what has to be done? Do you have anyone who helps you, or is the bulk of the household to-do list on your plate?
When I was pregnant with Molly, I would do one thing each day (sweep, bathroom, etc). TM helped with the laundry, and I would do dishes once a day (usually in the morning when I had more energy).