And her name is going to be Victoria. I am happy that I get to pass down a family name too. Alice (which will be Victorias middle name) is a family name that has been passed down from mother to daughter for four generations now. It was originally my great freat grandmothers first name, and since her, it's been passed down to daughters as a middle name. I'm glad that I'm able to pass down
Aside from names, amazing news right? Okay, I know it's 50/50 shot of being either (Or if you're a weirdo like some of my friends, 33.333333 chance that it would be a hermaphrodite) but, I'm kind of glad. Girls are very helpful and like helping mom out with household tasks and like to help out with younger siblings. (Although my friend Sherrie has an amazing son who loves his little sisters very much.)
That, and I have a few really AMAZING halloween costumes in mind. I did have a few really cute ideas in case I had a boy, but dressing girls up is so fun.
Aside from names, amazing news right? Okay, I know it's 50/50 shot of being either (Or if you're a weirdo like some of my friends, 33.333333 chance that it would be a hermaphrodite) but, I'm kind of glad. Girls are very helpful and like helping mom out with household tasks and like to help out with younger siblings. (Although my friend Sherrie has an amazing son who loves his little sisters very much.)
That, and I have a few really AMAZING halloween costumes in mind. I did have a few really cute ideas in case I had a boy, but dressing girls up is so fun.
I'll probably post pictures as things develope. Right now all I have in there is her crib and my crafting table - which I've brought up from the basement to do my Christmas Craft Challenge (Making home as Christmas-y and in the spirit of the holiday season, while spending as little as possible... so far, I've spent I think $10-$12 on it. Most of that is hot glue. The rest of the supplies I found around the house :D)
Anyway, that's my little Christmas gender reveal.
How is your holiday season going? Is there anything on your want list you'd like to see filled? Or, is there a gift that you are giving to someone special that you are really excited about?