Friday, June 14, 2013

One Month Of Loving Victoria

This little girl is really laid back and quiet so far... so far.

I love the smell of Victoria's breath. Since she's breastfeeding, it smells sweet <3

She didn't sleep in her bassinet for ages. She slept next to me in bed or on the couch. Now she starts out the night in her bassinet, and when she wakes up she either  comes to bed with me or we head to the couch.

In 5 days in her second week of life, she gained 11 oz and was almost 1 full lb over her birth weight already... only 1 oz off.

She is really good in social situations. We had our first social outting and she was spectacular!

This kid is NOISY when she eats! She is constantly making sounds while nursing... she's especially vocal when she is nursing while tired or half asleep.

 I am amazed at how soft her skin is

There is constantly milk in her neck folds

Even when I'm exhausted, I'm content to just hold her - even during the rare fussy times (and more often as she is more awake and aware of the world)

I have mastered the art of eating with one hand while holding my babe


  1. Adorable!

    Got your birthday card in the mail yesterday by the way! Thank you!!

  2. She is SO SWEET. And you are settling into mama-hood just wonderfully :)
