Little Miss went outside in her first snow this year! (The very little we had for the short time we had it)
She didn't really like snow this year, next year, I'm sure she'll have much more fun.
She's started making a "clicking" sound with her tongue
Little Miss loves to throw her hands in the air and throw them around like she just don't care! All. The. Time. But especially when she's eating something yummy.
Little Miss has started lifting herself to standing on furniture. Stools, rocking chairs (that have been tied to stop from rocking), the couch, the coffee table, the outside of her crib when we play in her room, the outside of the tub, the walls and just about anything else she can get her hands on.
She was a little wobbly at first...
But she's got it now! And she's taking safe risks and is learning what works, and what doesn't :) <3
One of her favourite people (and her belly twin) is her Fa Fa (Her grandpa)
She tries to get into things she shouldn't... like the bookcase... or the family stocking...
She was plum tuckered out by the time the families Christmas Eve festivities were done. She didn't even wake up when she was taken out of the car seat... or when we walked to the house in the chilly night air... or when we got inside and Chatum was racing around because he was so excited to see us. Her head hit her crib mattress without even a whimper.
Another one of her favourite people, her Nana... and her jewellry. <3
Cheerios! Pretty much endless fun and entertainment!
I think the scariest words I've ever uttered, when she was climbing to standing on a chair - "Okay... I need to back off, you don't need me all the time..."
I often ask myself how time passes so quickly, and I'm constantly amazed at how much Little Miss is changing
Little Miss got to see her Grandma Mary again, for the second time in her short life. It was a VERY short visit with my mom, and LM played shy, but warmed up to mom in a short period of time.