Monday, April 15, 2013

Making My "Mom-To-Be" Freezer Meals - Intro

In the earlier stages of my pregnancy, I decided that I definitely wanted to make freezer meals so in my future sleep deprived state, I wouldn't have to be stuck with trying to figure out what to eat last minute - as well as not having to eat fast food for nearly every meal.


I had NO IDEA where to start. Making freezer meals wasn't practiced in my house growing up and up until recently, I didn't see much value in preparing freezer meals. Needless to say, I had a lot of online reading to do. I didn't know what would freeze well, how to package and store them - as well as for how long.

I have to say, thank GOD for Pinterest! I found the majority of my information, ideas and recipes on Pinterest. Seriously, if you haven't checked it out yet, you really should. I think the next few blog entries will be dedicated to the recipes, websites and techniques I've learned to better prepare myself for motherhood.

One obstacle that I needed to overcome was that I needed more than just the fridge/freezer combo. I wanted an extra freezer for the basement so I could have the room for the amount of extra food that I planned on making to make meal planning easier in the earlier days. Chest freezer. Standing freezer. Didn't matter to me. I wanted extra room.

I'm also pretty frugal, so I didn't want to have to pay an arm and a leg for a freezer. Solution? I checked the store fliers for sales. I also checked Kijiji - often. I eventually found a small chest freezer on Kijiji that was being sold for $50.00. I was a little skeptical since they were selling it for so little a price, but they'd had it for a few years already and had recently upgraded to a larger, standing freezer. And they'd told me that if I had any problems with it, I could bring it back to them and they'd give me my fifty smackers back. I decided to gamble and buy the freezer from Kijiji.

And! I love it! It was the best $50.00 that I've spent.

AAAALLLLLLLL that being said, stay tuned for my tales of making freezer meals, swollen ankles and check out the recipes. And consider making your own freezer meals, whether you are about to be a new parent, just have a busy schedule, for unexpected guests or to learn something new.

Do you already do freezer meals? What is your favourite freezer meal recipe?

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